Saturday, October 8, 2011

New Society Forming With Intent to Massacre Hippos

In the weeks following the release of our PSA, we here at the AAHCS have seen a significant increase in awareness for our cause.  Many of you have given your time and money to help these beautiful animatronic creatures.  We thank you all for your support thus far.

But in the past few days, it has been brought to our attention that an organization has formed to oppose us.  They call themselves the Homeland Anti Hippo Association (HAHA).  They advocate for the intentional murders of animatronic hippos.  Despite their humorous name, we take their threats against hippos very seriously.  Below is their recent horrifying ad, viewer discretion is advised.

This ad is blatant fear-mongering propoganda. It promotes the idea that animatronic hippo killing is a socially acceptable activity by demonizing these innocent creatures.

The idea that animatronic hippos are dangerous is absurd.  The hippos themselves are bolted to the ground beneath the water.  They have no where to run to when the Jungle Cruise Skippers sail past in  their boats.  The Skippers know that they will be there and they take full advantage of the hippos adverse environment.  They are forced to endure torture from Skippers on a daily basis with no means of escape.  That is the true essence of cruelty.

In the video their "so called" scientist claims that, "Hippos are made entirely of evil... and food." While this claim may be true for live hippos, when used in reference to animatronic hippos this statement is FALSE!  Animatronic hippos are made entirely of hydraulics and fiberglass.  Get your facts straight Dr. Squirtems!!!

As a supporter of the AACHS, do not believe their lies!  Animatronic hippos are endangered.  If this slaughter continues,  our grandchildren may not have the opportunity to see these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat.  Help us to preserve the animatronic hippos of the Jungle Crusie for future generations.

Thank you for your continued support!

Caitlin Wahlstrom

Jeremy Kohrs