Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Christmas Message from AAHCS

The holidays are meant to be a season of joy and giving. Unfortunately, more recently it has become a time of stress and selfishness. We here at AAHCS would like to remind all of you to not lose sight of what is truly important this Christmas... Animatronic Hippos.

Awareness of this dire situation has been waning as of late and the AAHCS would like to ensure that our loyal supporters never forget- the animatronic hippos of America STILL need your help! While you sit in front of a warm fire opening gifts this Christmas, please remember that our hippo friends are out in the cold jungle waters still being attacked every ten minutes.

AAHCS thanks all of you, our supporters, for raising awareness in your communities. If you haven't yet, please consider donating to our cause by purchasing an AAHCS t-shirt. They make GREAT stocking stuffers!


Thank you for your continued support!

Caitlin Wahlstrom

Jeremy Kohrs